Feed me!

27 November 2012

Flying Solo

A beautiful pieces from here

You are single because you are single. 

It’s really as simple as that. 

You haven’t made the connection with another heart yet. 

You can get dolled up, dress cute, cut your hair, dye your hair, tweeze your eyebrows, put on lipstick and you may still. be. single. 

You can go out to a bar hoping to meet the love of your life and not find a damn one in the place attractive. 

And it’s going to remain that way until it’s time for you to find one. 

Stop hoping for it. 

Start living the life that you do have instead of wishing for things that you don’t have. 

There will come a time you’ll meet a boy and you’ll have to give up some of this single freedom you currently have. 

Start being more thankful. 

Start doing that now.

24 November 2012


Norman Babcock: No. No, I'm not leaving. Just listen to me! Uhh... Once upon a time, long ago, there was a little girl.

Aggie: What?

Norman Babcock: A - a little girl who was different... Who was different from the other people in her village.

Aggie: I'm not listening! La la la la la...

Norman Babcock: She could see and - and do things that no one could understand! And that made them scared of her!

Aggie: I don't like this story!

Norman Babcock: She turned away from everyone and became sad and lonely, and had no one to turn to!

Aggie: STOP IT.

Norman Babcock: The more she turned away from people, the more scared they were of her. And they did something terrible! They became so scared that they took her away and they killed her!

Aggie: NO.

Norman Babcock: And even - and even though she was dead, something in her came back!

Aggie: STOP.

Norman Babcock: And this part of her, wouldn't go away even after three hundred years!

Aggie: SHUT UP.

Norman Babcock: And the longer it stayed, the less there was of the little girl.

Aggie: I'll make you suffer!

Norman Babcock: Why?

Aggie: Because... Because...

Norman Babcock: Because you want everyone to hurt just as much as you are. So whenever you wake up, you play this mean game, but you don't play fair!

Aggie: They hurt me!

Norman Babcock: So you hurt them back?

Aggie: I wanted everyone to see how rotten they were!

Norman Babcock: You're just like them, Agatha.

- ParaNorman (2012)

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13 November 2012


Baru saja selesai membaca ini
Seperti membaca sebuah kisah yang sangat familiar
Kisah saya sendiri

Ya, saya juga memanggil dia
pria kesayangan saya
dengan sebutan Bli :)

Membaca judul postingan nona teal ini
Membuat hati saya ikutan sedih.

I used to play that scene too
Over and over in my head
How would i introduced him to my mom?

Itu saya alami 2 tahun lalu.
Saat saya masih bekerja jauh dari Jakarta
Bertemu Bli, tidak pernah masuk dalam rencana saya
Kembali ke Jakarta pun sebenarnya saya enggan

Tetapi akhirnya saya kembali
Dengan semua ketakutan saya
Mempertemukan kedua orang yang saya sayangi

Pada saat itu tiba,
saya hanya mengenalkan Bli dengan namanya
bukan dengan status siapa-nya saya

Saya takut ibu saya tidak suka
Saya takut dia keberatan
Saya takut dia akan langsung melarang
Saya takut kalau saya (di)harus(kan) 
memilih antara mereka berdua

Terkadang memang saya itu terlalu banyak mikir
(Sok) menganalisa bagaimana kalau begini-begitu

Kemudian lupa

Bahwa mereka berdua itu sama
Kedua-duanya menyayangi saya

Sebanyak saya ingin membahagiakan ibu saya
Dia juga ingin yang baik untuk putrinya.

Pada suatu pagi, sambil menghirup kopi
Ibu saya tiba-tiba bilang begini : 

Kamu sudah besar bisa memilih sendiri
Pikir baik-baik - ingat umur, 
Nanti sudah serius malah putus lagi

Saya menjawab (sambil susah payah menahan air mata) :
Iya mam...

I dunno if that's called mom instict
or i'm simply an open book for my mom
But i seriously can't keep a secret from her :)

Mungkin tidak se-positif atau se-antusias
Ibu-ibu yang ngomongin calon menantunya
Tetapi itu sudah lebih dari cukup buat saya

She trusted me
And that's enough

Dan hingga saat ini
Saya jaga baik-baik kepercayaan itu

Sebenarnya apa yang akan terjadi besok
Saya juga tidak tahu

Sekarang kalau saya mengingat-ingat masa itu
Mungkin tidak sama persis seperti kisah mereka
Tetapi kalau boleh saya share sama nona teal :

Show your mom
How happy you are 
when you're with him
How free you are
How he changed you
Into a better girl

I'm not a fortune-teller
But i know for sure
She love you
No matter how stupid your mistakes
or how uncertain you made your choices
For her, you always be her little daughter

I don't know that 2 years ago
Now i know
That's why i'm sharing this with you

Semangat ya Nona Teal
Kalau semua mulai terasa berat dan tak menentu (lagi)
Cobalah ingat kata-kata Bli ini :
Niat baik selalu menemukan jalan(nya)

2 November 2012


Life will give you whatever experience is the most helpful for Evolution of your Consciousness - Eckhart Tolle

We're almost reach the corner of this year.
Many things happen
Me and my surroundings

Best friend got her partner
They have loved, fought, then break up
Now they walked a different path
One struggle with the loss
And the other continue life as if nothing happens

Another best friend found his true love
Maybe it's out of the blue
Maybe it's serendipity
But they had evolved
From a stranger to a lover

There's a friend who battle with lymphoma
He had lost a family member because of the same disease
Another friend, a younger one
Gone too soon because of heart attack

But yet there's an old friend expecting baby
And another couple welcoming a new born babies (yes, twin!)

How funny life is
Once you're so drown weeping and mourning
And then second later you're flying high of blithe

Sometimes i got the news
Altogether in one day
Makes me go swinging
From one side to another
i wonder
Is this what bipolar feels like?

But whatever will may be, i believe that..
These too shall pass.
